
Wednesday, 28 March 2018

How to get to a new destination?

1. Start with a square

2. Take 16 steps forward a

3. Take 15 more steps

4. Turn right

5.Go 17 steps forward

6.Turn left

7. Take 10 steps

8.End with a square again

9. Now you have reached 
your destination

I learned that when you give someone
an instruction you have to make sure that
it is short and clear.

Nelson Cave Spider

Thursday, 22 March 2018



Bubble gum and taffy are fine and dandy,
If you're sweet and you like candy,
 I like worms and bugs and dirt,
I think they make a fine dessert.




How to draw a portrait?

Today I will be explaining to you how to
draw a portrait of some one else.

Firstly you need to grab a paper and an
pencil to start the first thing you need to
do. So first of all you will have to draw 
an circle shape as an egg.

Next you need to start from the top of the
egg and then you bring down little line dots
in the middle of the egg shape.Then you do 
the same thing to the middle on the side of
the egg shape. Once you've done that you need
to do the same thing a bit downer on the bottom.
On the side.

Now you need to start drawing the main part.
You need to draw two eyes on the top on the sides
of the line coming down on the left and the right. 
Now you need to write some eyebrows on the top 
of the eyes.

Finally you need to draw a mouth on the bottom from the other side to the other side. Once you've done that you need to draw a nose on the side of the line in the middle line. Then you need to draw the last step. You need to draw your hair.

How To Get To Ruapotaka School?

1.Turn on your car.

2.Reverse out of your car park.

3.Turn your wheel straight.

4.Pointing up.

5.Go up straight.

6.Then turn right.

You have now reached your


Friday, 16 March 2018

Common Wealth Games


Commonwealth games is an international multi sport. It is also in Australia gold coast. Common wealth games is also something like swimming, sports,and Olympics. 


What I want to know about the commonwealth games is why is there the common wealth games?I also want to know how much time they used to set the common wealth games up?

Tuesday, 13 March 2018


When we started swimming we learned how to do stream line, back stroke,free style and  many more . We did some techniques that involves floating on our backs. Once I kept swimming I enjoyed it. Some times when I do back stroke I sink into the water, that is why you need to push your stomach up to the top. My favourite style was floating on my back and stream lining.

Friday, 2 March 2018

Kitchen chemistry

This afternoon room 10 did an experiment with Milo tin,  pressure cooker and some cold water. Before we started some of the people in our class was guessing what they think will happen if we turn on the pressure cooker with the cold water inside the Milo tin. 

Firstly we had to take the picture of the Milo around the tin off then we put some cold water into the tin and turned the pressure cooker on once it was on there was a lot of steam and bubbles coming out from the tin and it looked very hot so we turned it off.

After we all went outside and sat in a circle on the grass talking about what we think will happen if we turn the pressure cooker on with the lid on the tin.we turned on the pressure cooker and waited until something happened and we all moved back then the lid flew up and we all screamed that was so funny. here is a video clip of when the lid flew up.