
Friday, 2 March 2018

Kitchen chemistry

This afternoon room 10 did an experiment with Milo tin,  pressure cooker and some cold water. Before we started some of the people in our class was guessing what they think will happen if we turn on the pressure cooker with the cold water inside the Milo tin. 

Firstly we had to take the picture of the Milo around the tin off then we put some cold water into the tin and turned the pressure cooker on once it was on there was a lot of steam and bubbles coming out from the tin and it looked very hot so we turned it off.

After we all went outside and sat in a circle on the grass talking about what we think will happen if we turn the pressure cooker on with the lid on the tin.we turned on the pressure cooker and waited until something happened and we all moved back then the lid flew up and we all screamed that was so funny. here is a video clip of when the lid flew up.

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